Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tennis Anyone? Repurposed Playing Space

Life in Southside Park never ceases to surprise me. On a Friday night back in January I came upon a 10 PM cricket game in our tennis courts.

Last night it was Bicycle Polo:

They even had spectators! With chairs!

One more surprise in the 'hood.


  1. Pretty neat. I have however had tennis players approach me with concerns about their ability to use the courts for tennis. Two issues: (1), are the alternate uses damaging the courts or nets; and (2) are the courts available when tennis players want to play? Related question: should tennis players have any sort of priority for using the courts for their original intended purpose?

    1. I talked to the cricket players and bike polo players last night - they were sharing the court. They are in conversations with the city about creating a multi-purpose court.
